5 Tips for an Starting an Effective Morning Routine

When I decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, I had to identify and eliminate any apparent sources of stress in my life. One of the biggest sources of stress for me was the “morning rush” that we are all too accustomed to. My morning routine consisted of:

  1. Snoozing through my alarm until the last possible minute;

  2. Skipping breakfast and stopping at the coffee shop to grab a coffee that I would drink on an empty stomach;

  3. Rushing through traffic or running to catch the train;

  4. Speed walking my way to the office and catching my breath for just 5 minutes before jumping into my first meeting or heading to court.

And while I know that the pandemic eliminated or reduced most of the apparent morning stress for many of us, there are still ways to improve your morning routine in order to start your day off in the right mindset.

Developing better habits led me to creating an effective morning routine that enables me to be more productive and restful throughout the day.

So here are the 5 things I learned that can help you improve your morning routine:

  1. Start your day with a consistent wake up time.

    Set a regular wake-up time that allows you to get enough rest and aligns with your daily schedule. Consistency helps regulate your body’s internal body clock - the circadian rhythm.

    Going to sleep and waking up at the same time daily is important and necessary for improving your circadian rythmn. Your circadian rhythm affects your sleep patterns as well as other ways your body works, like your hormones, body temperature, and eating habits.

    It’s also important to keep the same wake time during the weekend. It’s tempting to want to sleep in on your day off or holiday break, but keeping a consistent sleeping schedule can not only help improve your morning routine, it can help improve your overall health.

  2. Plan your morning activities ahead of time.

    Outline the activities you want to include in your routine, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or having a healthy breakfast. Having a plan will help keep you on track.

    It’s important to start your day doing the things you want to do before you even think of logging onto work. By the time I walk into work, I’ve dedicated at least 3 hours to my well-being by exercising, meditating, and spending quality time with my dog on our morning walks. I plan my workouts and breakfast for the week ahead of time to save me time and prioritize what’s most important to me. I also enjoy spending time making breakfast in the morning, so I set some time aside on certain days to make myself a nice and healthy breakfast.

  3. Prioritize self-care.

    Include activities that promote your physical and mental well-being in your morning routine. This could be stretching, journaling, or practicing mindfulness.

    Some of us can’t escape a stressful career or busy family life, but it’s essential to set some time aside for you in the mornings. Stretching, journaling, or practicing mindfulness can help calm you down and de-stress before you jump into your busy day. You’ll find yourself feeling more thankful and reflective throughout the day.

  4. Minimize distractions.

    Limit exposure to electronic devices and social media during your morning routine to stay focused and avoid unnecessary stress.

    There is so much negativity on social media. It’s tempting to check these apps first thing in the morning, but they will subliminaly increase your stress levels before you even get started with your day.

    Work on spending less time on your phone and more time reflecting inward and this will enable you to focus more on a more peaceful morning routine.

  5. Be flexible and adjust as needed!

    Life can be unpredictable, so be open to adjusting your morning routine when necessary. The goal is to create a routine that enhances your day, not one that causes stress.

    If find myself working late, I usually adjust and give myself an extra hour to sleep in. And if I feel exhausted from yesterday’s workout, I’ll listen to my body and skip tomorrow’s workout.

    Flexibility is key. You do not want to stress about having a strict morning routine. Don’t stress about it and instead focus on doing what you need to do to eliminate stress and increase your mindfulness and gratitude.

Remember, a morning routine is a personal practice, so tailor it to your needs and preferences. Consistency and self-care are key to starting your day on a positive note!


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